About Us

Made in the USA Made in the USA


Thank you for being here! 

Our Mission

The goal of Art Soul shop is to create unique gifts that bring harmony to one's home or space, inner being, or relationships.

By combining art, nature, and crystals, we can feel connected, empowered, and live with intention!

We believe in the power of art as a way of healing the mind, body and soul. Art is a way to be present in the moment.

It's a way to let go of worry and transform energy to create positivity.

Art is beneficial for everyone because it allows us to see what we subconsciously feel or think.

Art is all around us, and within us! 

The mission of Art Soul Shop is to add a touch of healing light to the world

and bring people together in creative mindfulness.

Meet the Team!

Amanda, Founder of Art Soul Shop

Amanda is passionate about combining healing art and metaphysical tools.

She understands the healing power of crystals, the chakra system, creative visualization, and positive affirmations.  

Amanda is a Reiki certified healer of the arts and has earned a degree in Fine Arts & Crafts, and Graphic Design.

She has successfully managed a local art studio and led teaching hundreds of classes and events.  Amanda has successfully sold thousands of pieces at art shows across Northeast, Ohio including at the House of Blues, MoCa (Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland), Crocker Park, 78th Street Studios, and Ingenuity Fest. She creates workshops for making creative vision boards, crystal sound healing, and sip and paint parties.

Along with crystal resin geode art, Amanda continues to grow her abilities in interior and exterior mural art painting for local businesses and cities throughout Northeast, Ohio.  She created a colorful butterfly selfie station/ mural in Ravenna, OH called "Dare to Fly" which symbolizes positive growth and embracing your highest divine self. Her wide range of experience continues to grow after 10+ years of intensive art training, combined with a natural intuitive ability. 

Amanda is passionate about learning and exploring new art forms and incorporating them within spiritual healing and holistic health. 

Each piece she creates has a meaningful message behind it that can help others! All- crystals are hand chosen with care, cleansed with healing crystal sound bowls, and fresh sage.  

If you are looking for an item, she can intuitively pick you out a special stone based on your needs. 

Amanda enjoy connecting with all types of diverse people. Whether you are newly interested in art and metaphysics 

or have been for a while,  she is here to help you!


James, Head of Digital Operations

James Stone is a Digital Marketing Specialist and Web Developer / Self- proclaimed nerd living near Cleveland, Ohio.

He has been in the Marketing / Digital Design Industry since 2008.

James has a creative mindset and genuine ambition for helping others.  He helped launch the Art Soul shop website.

With his go-getter attitude and desire to learn, he pushed himself to success.

He has a wide range of experience in Graphic Design and Digital Marketing, he finds ways to develop innovative and aesthetically pleasing solutions.

James has a proven history of increasing sales, profits and morale at companies with his skills in technology and design.

He is a highly reliable person to work with and extremely passionate in following his dreams.

His lesson is to push yourself to work harder, to learn more, and to never, ever stop succeeding. 

James and Amanda have been friends for over 15 years and counting. 

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